Nick Cooper

Nick has worked with NCC Home Learning for a number of years, delivering informative articles about education, qualifications, career advice and much more. His detailed knowledge makes him a resourceful and highly reliable contributor to the brand. In his free time, he enjoys gaming and watching films with his friends. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.

Some additional details about author.

The Ultimate Guide to Job References

One of the essential ingredients in a successful job application is your references. Without testimonials from someone who has worked with you, employers are going to be reluctant to take you on board. No one can afford to take a risk on an untried, untested individual. You might think this leads to a frustrating catch […]

By : Nick Cooper

How to get an admin job with no experience

So, you want to know how to get an admin job with no experience? You could begin by taking courses and qualifying yourself for some of the best positions. Then, you need to focus on what makes a good administrator and emphasise these skills in your cover letter and CV. Before we get to the […]

By : Nick Cooper

Top strategies for memory improvement

When learning, whether it is online courses or qualification at your local college, you will need strategies to help you remember key information and concepts. Having a good memory has nothing to do with being intelligent. Instead, it is about using the right strategies and establishing the best habits for retaining details. In short, you […]

By : Nick Cooper

How To Get Better At Maths

Are you one of those people who regularly says, “I’m rubbish at maths” or mutters, “that’s too complex for me”? If so, you’re not alone – plenty of people struggle with simple and complex equations and therefore think of themselves as ‘bad at maths.’ The good news is that it is possible to improve your […]

By : Nick Cooper

No work experience? Here’s how you can get a job

It seems like a maddening catch-22. Employers want you to have experience before they will hire you for a job, but you can’t get a job without experience! What’s a young person to do? You shouldn’t give up – there are plenty of ways that you can get a great job without any previous experience. […]

By : Nick Cooper

Types of Careers in Law That You Can Pursue

If you enjoy debate, love conducting research, and often get complimented on your reasoning skills, you might be perfect for a career in law. While you might be intimidated by the amount of schooling required to become a solicitor or a barrister, there are plenty of other careers in law that you can pursue. Specialised […]

By : Nick Cooper

The Difference Between Hard Skills and Soft Skills

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening now. It is a new era where the rule book is ripped up and pioneering technologies disrupt the status quo. From blockchain development and 5G connectivity to renewable energy systems, there are fresh demands in our workplaces. These demands are being met by fresh-faced university graduates – among others […]

By : Nick Cooper

Top 5 jobs for any extrovert

An extrovert is a person who thrives off being around other people.  It is often thought that an extrovert must be outgoing and flamboyant.  This is not always the case.  An extrovert can be quiet and keep themselves to themselves.  However, when they do meet with people, they feel energised by the experience.  Does this […]

By : Nick Cooper

Jobs you can get with a photography degree

If you have taken photography courses online or at university, you will be wondering what photography graduate jobs exist.  You may have undertaken a photography course to develop your hobby or just for fun.  But think, what better way to live than following careers in photography, earning money for doing what you love to do. […]

By : Nick Cooper

Getting Your Career Change Right

The change to a new year might be just a click of a second on the clock, yet it could be the inspiration you need to change your career.  It is easy to get stuck in a rut and feel you should make do.  It takes courage to stop, reflect and decide that it is […]

By : Nick Cooper