Going to university has benefits for many people. One of its great features is that you do not have to go immediately after finishing your A-Levels. This is known as deferring. In case you are not aware of how to defer from university, this article will explain everything you need to know about deferring university […]
By : Nick Cooper
Choosing the right course to do at university can be tricky. But the RQF (Regulated Qualifications Framework) is in place to make the process simple and easy for you. RQF qualification courses are widely recognised for their meaning and weight, primarily as OFQUAL regulates them. OFQUAL is the government office that handles all qualifications and exams […]
By : Nick Cooper
Copywriting is an age-old concept that is still growing well in the 21st century. With the continuous increase of content AI, nothing will beat the imprint of unique human copywriting in content writing. In this article, you will find all the information you need to know on how to become a copywriter and available courses […]
By : Nick Cooper
Doing English at GCSE may have been hard, but at A-Level it is even worse, and by this point in your studies, you may have already realised this, but do not fear! In this article, you will find a helpful guide on how to pass English Literature at A-Level by blotting out all those distractions […]
By : Nick Cooper
Are you bored of the mundane reality of writing purely for academic or professional purposes? Perhaps creative writing is in your future! And these tips on creative writing will help you get started. Writing creatively is the simple answer to getting out of this slump. In this article, we will answer the question of ‘what […]
By : Nick Cooper
Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding career paths available. And, if you’re questioning ‘what qualifications do I need to be a teacher’, you’re one step closer to this rewarding career! Rarely do you get the chance to interact with young minds and influence them through their life. Whether you’re looking to be […]
By : Nick Cooper
Today marks World Mental Health Day, let’s take a look at some facts: 1 in 4 adults experience a mental illness In England, 1 in 4 adults experience a mental illness. This is staggering because mental health influences cognition, perception and behaviour. These in turn affect how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships and decision-making. […]
By : Nick Cooper
In most jobs you’ll do across your life, there will come a time when you decide to leave. But how to hand in your notice? This could be for many different reasons – maybe the pay isn’t as good as it could be, you’re ready for a career change, or you’ve had conflict with your […]
By : Nick Cooper
Taking a sabbatical is something that you may have heard of. But, what is sabbatical leave? Many of us aren’t aware of its meaning or the benefits it can bring us. Put simply, a sabbatical is an extended period that you can take away from work for personal development. Doesn’t that sound good already?! Well, we’ve put […]
By : Nick Cooper
Distance learning has been around for a long time, decades in fact but, it is only in recent times that it has become a popular phenomenon. But what benefits are there to this type of learning? Distance learning – also known as open learning – started life as an experiment. It was touted as a […]
By : Nick Cooper