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Human Resources

Human Resources

Redundancy Process Guide: How To Cope With Redundancy

Nobody wants to be made redundant. But when they are, it catches them almost completely by surprise and they usually don’t know what coping with redundancy means, as...
Man struggling to cope after redundancy with his head in his hands
7 February
19 min
Human Resources

Maintaining employee well-being at work

Employee health and well-being in the workplace is crucial in cultivating a healthy, constructive and, most importantly, happy workforce. Experts have noted that mental...
employees wellbeing at work
18 March
18 min
Human Resources

How To Improve Employee Productivity

If there is one thing that is vital for a successful business, it is that the staff are motivated to work hard. In recent studies, they have discovered that “the...
productive staff member
19 March
15 min
Human Resources

6 Necessary Skills To Manage A Team

Do you have the necessary skills to manage a team? When things go wrong in business, the buck, so they say, must stop somewhere. And it is usually the manager or leader...
Man and Woman
2 February
10 min
Human Resources

Why Believing in Yourself WILL Change Everything

Do you suffer from self-doubt? Is it crippling you? Does it prevent you from doing things? When ‘disaster’ strikes, do you plunge further into self-doubt, assuming...
2 January
8 min
Human Resources

Why Running a Business is Far More Than a Role of the Dice

Running a business takes time, commitment, energy, passion and skills. Not one entrepreneur started their business with every single one of these business skills nailed....
Man Drawing a Graph
28 December
16 min

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