“I would like to say many thanks to my tutor for their positive feedback during this course. My tutor’s replies with further examples have been of huge help in assisting me to move on with a good understanding of the previous subject and I have enjoyed cross referencing the modules and seeing how they link together.
Working in a police roll, this course has been of huge help to assist in my understanding and the valid arguments that go within the subject.
My academic focus from here on will be aimed at promotion and the NIE exam to develop my career however this course and the knowledge and thinking process I have gained from it will be of huge help in my future career plans.
Many thanks again.”
John Keerie – Criminal Psychology Diploma
I would like to say many thanks to my tutor for your positive feedback during this course. My tutor’s replies with further examples have been of huge help in assisting me to move on with a good understanding of the previous subject and I have enjoyed cross referencing the modules and seeing how they link together.
Working in a police roll, this course has been of huge help to assist in my understanding and the valid arguments that go within the subject.
My academic focus from here on will be aimed at promotion and the NIE exam to develop my career however this course and the knowledge and thinking process I have gained from it will be of huge help in my future career plans.
Many thanks again and best of luck.
John Keerie – Criminal Psychology Diploma