Different Learning Styles: 9 Types of Learning For Effective Results

Different Learning Styles: 9 Types of Learning For Effective Results

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Everyone has different learning styles. No matter whether you are a teacher or are interested in personal development, knowing about different learning styles can help yourself to cater to different methods of learning…

Learning is not always about sitting in a classroom, listening to a teacher speak and writing down notes, or reading specific parts of a book. In fact, in the 21st century, learning has evolved and changed into different aspects based on students’ mental arithmetics. In this article, you will learn about different learning styles, from visual to kinesthetic, to physical and auditory, and more. By becoming familiar with these types of learning, educators and learners can improve on their educational experiences and the outcomes that can be obtained from lessons, whether it is online or in person. 

Key points:

  • Identify the nine major learning styles used in modern education for learners of different age groups.
  • Learn effective strategies to engage each type of learner.
  • Understand the benefits of adapting teaching methods to fit learning preferences.
  • Discover tips for students to maximise their learning potential.
  • Explore the impact of matching instructional styles with learning preferences on educational success.

Curious about the effectiveness of online education? Learn about the benefits that make online learning effective for different types of learners.

What are the Different Types of Learning in Education?

Education is a dynamic field that is constantly evolving with the times, especially with the further implementation of technology as well as catering for different diversities and ethnicities. Recognising each unique learning style can help those that want to further their education without feeling alienated around one particular learning style.

The VARK Model Explained

One of the longstanding models used to categorise different learning styles is the VARK model. This framework divides learning preferences into four primary categories: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic, each offering unique pathways for students to best absorb and process information. However, as you will discover later in this article, there are more than just four learning styles.

1. Visual (Spatial) Learning Style:

different learning styles visual

Visual learners excel when information is presented in a graphical or diagrammatic form. 

Unlike those who learn through videos or static images, these learners prefer dynamic formats like charts, maps, and diagrams which help them visualise relationships between entities and ideas. 

To effectively engage visual learners, educators can incorporate colour-coded notes, mind maps, and flowcharts into their teachings, making complex information more accessible and memorable.

How to encourage visual learners:

  • Utilise maps, diagrams, and various forms of imagery.
  • Incorporate technology such as projectors to enhance visual aids.
  • Apply colour coding methods to organise and differentiate information.
  • Promote the use of mind maps and flowcharts for better information retention.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

2. Auditory (Aural) Learning Style:

different learning styles auditory

Those who prefer auditory learning will perform best through listening and speaking. 

These learners find it easier to absorb information when it is presented through spoken words, making lectures, discussions, and oral presentations ideal mediums. 

Techniques such as using varied tones and pitches, incorporating music or rhythmic elements into lessons, and encouraging verbal repetition can greatly improve their learning process.

How to encourage auditory learners:

  • Vary pitches and tones while delivering lessons to maintain interest.
  • Make recordings of lessons available for replay.
  • Foster an interactive classroom environment with presentations, discussions, and debates.
  • Encourage students to explain concepts verbally to their peers.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

Find out how you can improve your listening skills so that you can keep up to date with different trends with auditory learning styles.

3. Physical (Kinesthetic) Learning Style

physical learning style

Kinesthetic learners thrive on interaction and physical engagement with their learning environment. 

These students grasp concepts best through movement and direct manipulation of materials. They benefit significantly from activities that involve hands-on practice and real-world applications.

To effectively cater to kinesthetic learners, incorporating active experiences such as simulations, lab experiments, and role-playing can be particularly effective. Allowing these learners to build, create, or directly engage in problem-solving tasks helps cement their understanding by turning abstract ideas into tangible experiences.

How to encourage physical learners:

  • Promote active participation in lessons, such as through role-playing activities.
  • Schedule regular breaks to allow movement and physical activity between sessions.
  • Incorporate props and interactive models to improve hands-on learning.
  • Organise and minimise desk clutter to improve concentration and learning efficiency.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

4. Reading/Writing (Verbal) Learning Style

different learning styles reading/writing style

Verbal learners prefer to absorb information in textual format. 

They find deep connections and understanding through words, whether written or read. This preference makes them particularly adept at handling written assignments and absorbing detailed textual information.

How to encourage verbal learners:

To aid the learning experience for reading/writing learners, educators can implement strategies like:

  • Encouraging detailed descriptions of diagrams and charts in writing.
  • Using written quizzes and text-based assignments to reinforce learning.
  • Incorporating mnemonics such as rhymes or acronyms to aid memory.
  • Introducing word-based games and activities, like crossword puzzles, to make learning more interactive.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

5. Logical (Analytical) Learning Style

different learning styles logical and analytical

Analytical learners use reasoning and logic to grasp concepts. 

They are driven by a need to understand patterns, connections, and the reasons behind content, which helps them progress in subjects that require critical thinking and analysis.

How to encourage analytical learners:

  • Design lessons that are well-structured and easy to navigate.
  • Integrate statistics and data analysis into various subjects to improve critical thinking.
  • Group concepts into categories to help students organise information logically.
  • Encourage exploration of cause-and-effect relationships in learning materials, helping students to see the practical application of concepts across different subjects.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Physics

6. Social/Linguistic (Interpersonal) Learning Style

different learning styles social and lingustic interpersonal

Social learners thrive in interactive environments where communication is key. These students work best in settings that emphasise peer collaboration and social interaction. 

How to encourage interpersonal learners:

  • Implementing group projects and peer-review sessions to improve interaction.
  • Using role-playing activities to simulate real-life scenarios.
  • Encouraging discussions and storytelling to enhance understanding and retention.
  • Varying vocal tones and incorporating dramatic elements into lectures to maintain interest.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Education

7. Solitary (Intrapersonal) Learning Style

different learning styles solitary intrapersonal learning style

In contrast, solitary learners prefer a quiet, introspective approach to education. 

They perform best in environments where they can work alone and reflect on their learning. 

How to encourage intrapersonal learners:

  • Provide designated quiet zones for individual study.
  • Schedule regular intervals for these students to work independently.
  • Offer personal feedback and acknowledgment of individual achievements.
  • Encourage journaling or personal blogs to express and process information privately.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

  • Philosophy
  • Creative Writing
  • Psychology

8. Musical Learning Style

different learning styles musical

While many find music or background noise disruptive, musical learners thrive under such conditions. 

They excel when learning is accompanied by music, rhythms, and beats. Similar to logical learners who discern patterns in data, musical learners detect patterns and relationships in sounds. Some learners may prefer auditory sequences rather than visual imagery or textual information.

It’s common for these individuals to pursue careers as musicians or instrumentalists. Additionally, it’s not unusual for someone to exhibit traits of both auditory and musical learning styles, which explains why teaching methods for these two groups often overlap.

How to encourage musical learners:

  • Playing background music during class activities to enhance concentration.
  • Incorporating songs or rhythms into lessons to aid memory.
  • Suggesting podcasts as additional learning materials.
  • Encouraging students to create musical mnemonics as study aids.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

  • Music
  • Dance
  • Poetry

9. Nature Learning Styles

different learning styles in nature

Nature learners find their best educational experiences in outdoor settings. 

These students benefit from the sensory stimuli of the natural world, which can improve their understanding and retention of information.

How to encourage naturalistic learners:

  • Organising field trips to natural habitats or science centres.
  • Holding classes outdoors when weather and curriculum permit.
  • Integrating natural elements into projects and experiments.

Subjects that students may adopt this style for:

  • Biology
  • Environmental Science
  • Agriculture

How NCC Can Help With Types of Learning Styles

NCC Home Learning is at the forefront of innovative online home learning courses, which caters around each of these different learning styles. Those that prefer studying online can develop a large range of skills from the various courses available on our website. Whether you’re a visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or any other type of learner, our tailored courses ensure that your educational journey is both effective and engaging.

How To Learn In The 21st Century

In conclusion, whilst many of these types of learning vary greatly in terms of their specifics, it is still possible to merge each of these styles into lesson plans without it feeling overwhelming for students, and in turn, can make lessons more enjoyable for everyone. Making lesson plans more interactive and fun from time to time will help to keep students engaged and boost their results, from revising to passing the exams!

Want to know more about how education has changed in recent years? Find out how covid-19 paved the way forward towards online home learning being a progressive educational format…


How do you identify different learners?

Different learners can be identified by observing how they best absorb information. This involves paying attention to whether they prefer learning through listening (auditory learners), seeing (visual learners), or doing (kinesthetic learners). Evaluations through various activities can help determine their preferred learning style.

How do you determine what type of learner your child is?

To determine your child’s learning type, observe how they interact with different learning environments. Notice if they prefer listening to stories, looking at diagrams, or engaging in hands-on activities. Experimenting with different teaching methods and noting which one they respond to best can also provide insights.

How can teachers accommodate diverse learning styles in the classroom?

Teachers can accommodate diverse learning styles by incorporating a mix of teaching methods into their lessons. This can include using visual aids like charts and videos for visual learners, discussions and lectures for auditory learners, and hands-on activities or experiments for kinesthetic learners. Offering varied instructional materials and assessment methods can also help cater to different preferences and strengths.

How can students identify their preferred learning style?

Students can identify their preferred learning style by reflecting on activities where they feel most engaged and successful. They can try different methods of studying, such as reading, listening to lectures, or engaging in hands-on projects, and observe which approach helps them understand and retain information best. Feedback from past experiences and self-assessment tools can also aid in determining their learning style.


World Economic Forum. (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how. [online] Available at:  https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-education-global-covid19-online-digital-learning/ [accessed 14/08/24]

Nick Cooper
Nick is NCC's resident blog author and covers a range of subjects, including teaching and health & social care. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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