As any self-respecting Game of Thrones fan will already know, the climax of season 4 will be aired on Sky Atlantic tonight. The build up has been incredible, with twists at every opportunity and no character safe from meeting an unsavoury end. In anticipation we thought we would take a look at the most suitable home learning courses for some GOT fan favourites.
Name: Joffrey Baratheon
Course: Relationship and Couples Counselling Diploma
King Joffrey is widely hated and for very good reason. From ordering the execution of Ned Stark or his constant demeaning of Tyrion, there are a multitude of reasons why it is impossible not to have an immense feeling of hatred towards Joffrey. Sansa Stark suffered vast amounts of torment at the hands of Joffrey and his sinister nature towards her is what many saw as his worst trait. The course features a module on boundaries and ethics in a relationship, which could have been a real eye opener.
NAME: Daenerys Targaryen
COURSE: Human Resource Management DIPLOMA
You might say that Daenerys already has an incredibly successful management style and has managed her resources admirably. Although with an army of 8000 unsullied in tow, there is some serious administration duties to uphold. I would guess that the unsullied are fairly easy to work with and would not make many employee demands. I suppose their previous employment under Kraznys mo Nakloz has been a somewhat frightening induction into the workplace. One of the modules focuses around employee retention and commitment, this may be useful for running a voluntary army of 8000 soldiers.
NAME: Jon snow
Jon Snow has become a huge fan favourite and his unbreakable bond with his beloved Ghost makes him all the more endearing. Although living on the wall can be quite stressful, Jon may have some extra time on his hands when the wildlings aren’t attacking. Ghost was released on the wildling’s and may have some undesirable stains in his beautiful white coat. Jon could learn the best techniques for creating the perfect shiny coat.
If you would like to learn more about home learning courses and how they could enhance your life, go to for more information