Global Obesity Crisis (Infographic)

Global Obesity Crisis (Infographic)

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It is a crisis that is placing strain on health providers across the globe. Without a hard-hitting campaign that re-educates and inspires, the problem of obesity in adults and children will continue to increase.

It is health crisis that has grown year-on-year. It is one we are yet to get a handle to control it. But what is obesity and why is it a growing problem?

Obesity – One Step On From Being Overweight

Carrying a few extra pounds shouldn’t cause you too many problems in the short or long term. Being overweight – a BMI of 25 or more – can be more of an issue as your skeleton starts to creak under the extra weight that you carry.

Obesity is one step on. It is where someone’ BMI is equivalent to 30 or more. Health begins to suffer with extra strain is placed on care and medical providers too.

Why is Obesity Such a Problem?

There are many reasons although broadly speaking, it is thought to be because of two main reasons;

  • Poorer diet choices – the prevalence of processed, high sugar, high salt and high fats meals have seen our waist lines thicken in recent decades.
  • Increasingly sedentary lifestyles – we are taking far less exercise than we ever have. This is for children as well as adults.

The Answer is Simple. Right?!

Looking at the impact of ‘stop smoking’ campaigns, with consistent messaging and help for those that need it, the tide of obesity can be turned.

But we are not near that stage yet. Find out what the status of obesity in the UK and across the world with this fantastic infographic from NCC Home Learning. If you would like to learn more about healthy eating – check out the courses we have on offer:- 

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The Worlds Obesity Crisis

Nick Cooper
Nick is NCC's resident blog author and covers a range of subjects, including teaching and health & social care. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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