How to Write a Resignation Letter

How to Write a Resignation Letter

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Finally, you’ve made up your mind. You are quitting. Not an addiction, but your current company for a new one. You’ve already signed the dotted line at your new job, and all that is standing between you and your dream job is your resignation letter, which you haven’t written.

So, why are you leaving your current job? Could it be because you’ve had enough of your supervisor and you can’t stand him anymore? Or, is it that your company doesn’t have any room for career growth? Well, irrespective of the reason, there is only one way of leaving your current employment without throwing shade at your employer: keep those reasons to yourself!

Maybe you’ve completed one of the many home learning courses available on the internet and landed a job with a company. However, because of one reason or another, you want to resign from your position. Regardless of how much you detest your job, notify your boss before writing the resignation letter, if possible.

Talk To Your Manager, One on One

Well, it’s possible that your manager is the reason why you are quitting the company, but gather some courage and tell him you are leaving. So, what you tell your manager and how you say it is equally important.

The secret is to be minimalist with details, focusing only on the positive aspects. You don’t have to tell the manager your next destination, keep it discreet, if possible. Additionally, do not bother to explain your decision to resign. Instead, keep it general. Importantly, maintain consistency in your narrative to avoid any office grapevine

Thank your boss for having offered you an opportunity to develop and grow in the company. Then, give him a two weeks’ notice and notify him of the specific date you are leaving.

To wrap up your conversation with your superior, mention how you intend to facilitate a transition. Probably, you may offer to come up with a transition document that will help in providing a seamless changeover.

Occasionally, your manager may give you a counter offer to induce you to stay. If the offer is enticing, use the opportunity to determine the conditions you want. On the other hand, your boss may ask you to leave immediately, especially if he has reliable information that you are heading to a rival company. So, head to the manager prepared for any eventuality.

Write the Resignation Letter

One of the most satisfying aspects of quitting your current job is drafting a professional and concise resignation letter to your employer. If you are worried about how to write a resignation letter, know that you don’t have to be a skilled wordsmith to pen the message. You only need to follow a straightforward format. Also, it doesn’t have to be wordy: the shorter the letter, the better.

1. The Essentials

The first paragraph entails the basics of your letter. It is an essential part of your resignation letter because it establishes your final day at your job to your boss and the human resources. If you have a contract that stipulates your end date, ensure that you reference it on this part.

You don’t need any sugar coating on this part of the letter. Just state the position you are vacating and the effective date. Having already shared with your boss why you are leaving, you don’t have to iterate them here. Keep everything simple.


Dear (insert your supervisor/boss name)

Kindly accept this letter, as a formal notification of my resignation from my position (add title) with (add company name). My last day in the company will be (insert the day-usually two weeks from the date of the notice)

2. A Thank You

Never forget to thank your employer for the opportunity you had in the company. You don’t have to explore your entire stint at the company, but list some of your accomplishments.

Also, describe the things that you learnt and enjoyed during your time in the company even if you are excited about leaving. For example, if you received some tuition reimbursement, corporate training, scholarship, or any other benefit, briefly articulate that in the letter. Yes, you need to leave everything on a good note because you may need some of your managers as referees.

For industries that require you to leave right away, a notice and a brief thank you are sufficient.


I thank you for the opportunity to work as a (insert) for the past (Amount of time). I have sincerely enjoyed the opportunities I have has to (mention some of your favourite responsibilities), and I’ve learnt (mention any tasks you’ve learnt), all of which will help me in my future career prospects.

3. The Handoff

The transition section of your letter is relevant because it shows that you are professional and you value your company. Articulate your readiness to help in the transition process in your resignation letter. Don’t get into the details of what you will do, but avoid the temptation to promise something that you will not deliver. Preferably, a couple of lines showing your commitment to cooperate for a smooth transition will suffice.


For the next two weeks, I will be completing any outstanding projects and train other team members to facilitate a seamless transition. Please feel free to let me know if I can help with anything that will facilitate a successful transition.

Note: An official resignation notice doesn’t clear you to throw in the towel. You need to leave the organisation in good terms with everybody, at least officially. Do everything at your disposal to ensure that you facilitate a smooth transition to give your successor an easy time. Don’t burn bridges because you have a “better” offer, you never know.

Resigning Without Notice

While it is essential to notify your supervisor of your intention to leave, circumstances may dictate you to leave immediately. Probably, your colleagues aren’t trustworthy to let your work through your notice period; you have to resign without notice. So, maybe you are wondering how to write a resignation letter in such a scenario. Well, your resignation letter will only focus on a declaration that you are quitting, and a thank you.

1. Speak To Your Employer, In Person

If possible, tell the boss that you’re leaving the company and follow up with an official resignation letter.

2. Writing a No-Notice Resignation Letter

Indicate the date you intend to leave the company. In case you plan to stay for a few days or so, state that in your letter. However, if you are going immediately, clearly state it in the letter.

Remember to keep the letter brief. Don’t bother to provide details on why you are quitting, or what you’ll be doing next.


I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position (Indicate your position) for (indicate company name), on (state the date.) I apologise for failing to give a two weeks’ notice, but it is crucial that I leave before then. For the (insert number of days) days I will be around, I will do my best to finish any pending tasks to facilitate a smooth transition for the next employee.

3. Express Gratitude

Use the letter to express gratitude for the opportunity you’ve had working with the company. Understandably, you may be unhappy with your employer but resist any urge to vent out your pent up anger. Remember, you still need to maintain your relationship with people in the company for your future career prospect.

Since you’ve resigned without notice, provide some clarity on the handling of your benefits, company equipment, last pay, and any relevant details relating to your resignation.

4. Share Contact Information

If you are leaving immediately, provide any non-company phone number, email address or any contact information that your employer can use to get in touch with you.

If you write a good resignation letter, you can be sure of these facts: Your future reference or former boss may land on it and be impressed. And, if by any chance you decide to come back to your previous company, you would have a warm reception since the last thing you left in your file was as an impressive letter.

Finally, since you have written your letter, schedule individual meetings with colleagues who have helped you in your career trajectory. Let them know when you are leaving, and maybe, why you are moving on. But in your discussion, ensure that you keep everything minimum and positive. Also, exchange contacts so that you stay in touch with each other once you exit the company.

So, with the guide above, you know how to write a resignation letter with a notice or without notice.


Greenawald, E. (2014, October 16). How to Write a Resignation Letter the Right Way. Retrieved May 03, 2019, from

Ryan, L. (2017, August 14). Ten Good Reasons To Quit Without Giving Notice. Retrieved May 03, 2019, from

Nick Cooper
Nick has worked with NCC Home Learning for a number of years, delivering informative articles about education, qualifications, career advice and much more. His detailed knowledge makes him a resourceful and highly reliable contributor to the brand. In his free time, he enjoys gaming and watching films with his friends. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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