Interesting & Exciting New Job Titles for the Modern Age

Interesting & Exciting New Job Titles for the Modern Age

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With 2018 approaching fast, you may be searching for a fresh start. If you’re looking for a change of career, why not explore something a little different this year?

Changing Your Career

Even if you don’t currently have the skills for a new and exciting job that you’re looking for, you can always take courses or do some distance learning online.

There are so many jobs out there that have been recently introduced to the market, and now might be the time to go down one of these new and unusual paths. You could become specialised in something that not many others are before the market for that job becomes crowded and competitive.

It can be helpful to get some inspiration to help you think of jobs outside the box. We’ve compiled a list of exciting new jobs out there that are worth considering if you’re just starting your career or looking for a fresh start!

Social media guru

Who isn’t on social media these days? This is a communication channel that’s here to stay. The more time we spend on the internet, the more brands are realising that this is the ultimate place to target potential consumers. You could be someone who helps to make that happen. Social media management is a thriving industry to get into now. If you are used to using social media purely for personal purposes, then you can brush up on it with the various social media distance learning courses available on the Internet.

Organic consultant

How cool is that job title? Are you passionate about organic food and always encourage your friends and family to eat organic? This food trend is hugely popular, with many consumers choosing to go down the organic path only. And many food producers are opting to go down this route as well!

An organic consultant is someone who assists farmers and food producers on the more technical elements of organic production and farming. To get into this field, you will need a certain amount of experience working in the organic industry, as well as relevant qualifications. If this sounds exciting to you, then it’s worth checking out online courses and distance learning options to help you learn more.

Software developer

Though the job title isn’t the most exciting, this is a great time to get into computer programming. Anyone can be a software developer if they put their mind to it. Roles in this sector mean you are constantly learning and expanding your knowledge as the industry grows! This could be the dream job for those of you who are looking to join an industry that is fast paced and constantly developing. And your skills are bound to be valuable for a long time to come. If you specialise in developing a specific category, e.g. gaming development, then this can really be quite a lucrative career path to go down.


Crisis manager
Do your friends always tell you, “you’re good in a crisis”? Then crisis management might be the perfect job for you! You can be a crisis manager for a politician or a business. If you know how to put a positive spin on a negative situation or image, this can be an extremely exciting job to go for. And let’s face it, the job title sounds super cool!
Lifestyle blogger

Yes, some people are making insane amounts of money simply by sharing their lives on Instagram or YouTube. This is a job title that more and more of the younger generation are attempting to obtain. As a lifestyle blogger, you have the possibility to be your own brand. You must be comfortable with sharing your life and communicating to a large audience, even if it’s just online. The perks of being a lifestyle blogger are:

  • Brands can start to offer you sponsorship deals and freebies
  • You get to be your own boss
  • You can work from pretty much anywhere
  • It’s pretty easy to get started

Pick your passion and start blogging about it! It helps if you’re a good photographer or know your way around filming equipment. It can take a lot to get the ball rolling and having your follower count increase, so you must be extremely committed to take on this role.

There are many more new and exciting job roles that you can take on- and new jobs are being created all the time! Why not start looking for your dream job today!

Nick Cooper
Nick has worked with NCC Home Learning for a number of years, delivering informative articles about education, qualifications, career advice and much more. His detailed knowledge makes him a resourceful and highly reliable contributor to the brand. In his free time, he enjoys gaming and watching films with his friends. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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