What Do You Know About Eating Healthy? (Quiz)

What Do You Know About Eating Healthy? (Quiz)

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Do you want to eat healthier but are a bit confused about what choices you should be making?

Do you know your trans fats from your monosaturated fats? Do you know which food groups are the best choices?

It can be confusing to make the healthy choices, especially with so many products and information on offer. Our quiz will help!

With our Healthy Eating Quiz, you will have a better understanding of which fats are better for you, which food groups give you protein and what you need to eat to get the highest level of omega-3 in your diet.

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Nick Cooper
Nick has worked with NCC Home Learning for a number of years, delivering informative articles about education, qualifications, career advice and much more. His detailed knowledge makes him a resourceful and highly reliable contributor to the brand. In his free time, he enjoys gaming and watching films with his friends. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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