Quick ways to relieve your stress levels at work

Quick ways to relieve your stress levels at work

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If you have ever considered taking online business courses, then you will know that the wellbeing of staff pays a significant part in the success of the company.  To make the best of a business, you need to consider the welfare of personnel.  Therefore, part of any quality course will be answers to critical questions. How does stress impact business? Can leaders mitigate the impacts of stress? How can stress manifest itself in the workplace?

Here we explore the steps employees can take to relieve stress levels at work and take some of the control over this.

Ask Yourself: Why Are You Stressed?

There are a number of reasons that could be causing you stress in or outside of work. Follow the lists below that narrow down what may be triggering these stress points:

Common Causes of Stress in the Workplace:

  • Overwhelming, contradictory demands
  • Substandard working environments
  • Limited process in job execution or decision-making
  • Insufficient managerial support or positive reinforcement
  • Workplace bullying or unresolved conflicts
  • Inadequate training or capabilities for job requirements
  • Ambiguity regarding job roles and responsibilities
  • A culture of low trust, with limited freedom to voice concerns
  • Organisational changes
  • External stressors impacting work performance

External Factors Contributing to Stress:

  • Bereavement
  • Divorce or separation
  • Menopause
  • Responsibilities for caregiving
  • Health issues
  • Economic concerns, such as rising living costs

Employee Privacy and Support Options: Employees aren’t obligated to disclose personal issues to their employer. However, if they choose to share, they may receive assistance such as:

  • Access to counseling services, like an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Paid or unpaid leave for medical appointments
  • Options for special, annual, or unpaid leave
  • Adjustments to job duties or work schedules to accommodate personal life changes

Identifying and Addressing Stress: It’s crucial for employees to monitor their own health and well-being. Early discussions with a manager are advisable if stress symptoms appear. Similarly, managers should be vigilant for stress indicators among their team members.

Symptoms of Stress to Watch For:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Challenges in decision-making
  • Irritability or short temper
  • Emotional sensitivity or tearfulness
  • Fatigue
  • Depressed mood
  • Withdrawal from social interactions

In a study by Ciphr (2024) they discovered that:

  • One in nine (11%) UK adults feel stressed every single day
  • One in four (24%) people in the UK feel stressed more days a month than they don’t
  • Women experience stress more frequently than men. On average, women in the UK say they feel stressed for 11.7 days a month, whereas men say they experience stress for 8.7 days a month.”

Based on this data, it is even more crucial for businesses to address this by implementing ways to reduce stress, improve work-life balance, and enhance overall workplace support, ensuring a healthier, more productive work environment.

Work on your schedule

One of the most common reasons for experiencing stress at work is having too much to do and too little time to achieve it.  Therefore, scheduling is an essential skill.  Scheduling is part time-management – understanding what can be achieved when.  If you are always chronically over-running in meetings or spending too much time on the phone with clients, then this is going to add up.  It is also about prioritisation.  Therefore, you need to understand what tasks need doing first so that any pressure felt from the deadline for this task is reduced.

There are online apps and CRM systems that allow you to manage simple to-do, doing, done lists, which should allow you to keep a picture of your work, and when it needs to be done.

Take a break

One of the biggest mistakes that stressed people make is skipping breaks and lunchtimes.  Believing more time is going to solve the problem, they power on through.  However, people are not machines, and productivity drops when we are tired or hungry.  Therefore, ironically, you may be more productive if you take time off and rest.  You also need to value your weekends and holidays – work-life balance is the key to less stress in the workplace.

On a similar vein, you should consider leaving work on time regularly.  If you stay late every day, it means you are going to tire yourself out.  It may be a sign that you are not using your time productively in work hours or that your workload is too much for a single person.  Both these issues need addressing – either by working on your schedule or by talking to your manager.

Move where you work

This might seem like a strange suggestion – but it does work.  Changing your location in the office can improve your mood and your outlook.  It may be that working somewhere else will stop you from being drawn into office gossip and other distractions. You will then feel like you are progressing through tasks better.

Avoid social media

It is the curse of the modern world – the scrolling finger.  Social media similar to popcorn at the cinema – you have had enough after half the content, but you just can’t stop.  It’s best to leave social media outside office hours, as it can suck up time you can ill afford and so stress you out.  You might want to switch off your phone when at work or during your busiest times.

You should also consider whether you should be responding to messages outside of work.  Apps make us highly accessible, and it easy for people to send you a quick message about work even though it is out of hours.  Setting boundaries between the personal and the professional will help you to maintain effective performance for longer.  Therefore, although you might worry you are frustrating people by not answering straight away, the answer needed is rarely urgent and could easily wait until the next morning.  There should be general respect shown for people’s time outside the workplace, and hopefully, this will be led by your managers.

Have other interests

You might be one of those lucky people who feel work is like a hobby, and you cannot believe you are paid to do this.  Even if you are such a person, it is still good practice to have something that takes you away from all the concerns and issues that the workplace can create.  By taking time for something completely different, you will be in a much stronger position when you are back on the clock.  Remember, productivity is not always directly linked to the number of hours you spend at your desk.

Talk to your boss

Sometimes all the self-management techniques in the world cannot address the stress you feel.  You may be starting to feel burnout and know that if things continue this way, something will blow up.  Therefore, asking for a one-to-one with your manager can help address the issues.  They may not have realised the workload expected of you or they may have suggestions about how to better prioritise your work.  Don’t leave this meeting too late – it is better to ask for help before the help is a necessity. If you are a business owner, it can be extra challenging to manage stress, so check out these tips to improve your work/life balance.

Health Assured. (2015) Employee Assistance Programme Services (EAP) [online] Available at: https://www.healthassured.org/employee-assistance-programmes [accessed 18/03/2025]

Ciphr. (2024) Workplace stress statistics in the UK in 2024. [online] Available at: https://www.ciphr.com/infographics/workplace-stress-statistics [accessed 18/03/2025]

Nick Cooper
Nick has worked with NCC Home Learning for a number of years, delivering informative articles about education, qualifications, career advice and much more. His detailed knowledge makes him a resourceful and highly reliable contributor to the brand. In his free time, he enjoys gaming and watching films with his friends. NCC is an international learning provider with over 20 years’ experience offering learning solutions. To date, NCC has engaged with over 20,000 employers, and delivered quality training to over half a million learners.
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