BBC Panorama have uncovered a multitude of issues regarding the unacceptable care standards of one of the country’s largest care homes. The exposure has resulted in several suspensions and one sacking.
The 93-bed home in Braintree, Essex has been under close observation since August 2012 when whistleblowers first identified issues within the care home. Footage of service users being mocked, insulted and slapped will be revealed tonight on the Panorama show.
Recent figures released by the Care Quality Comission (CQC) have revealed since 2011, an astonishing 1 in 3 care homes have been issued warnings in regard to not meeting basic standards.
A case was put together by undercover workers over a period of 36 shifts, with secret cameras being set up to monitor staff. The findings from the investigation have caused outrage and the chief inspector of social care, Andrea Sutcliffe said, “I’m shocked and really angry about what Panorama have found. People shouldn’t be getting into this business if they don’t care.”
The offending care home, Old Deanery, which charges around £700 per week for its services have launched an investigation into the allegations. The home has revealed they are “shocked and saddened by the allegations”. The care home changed ownership in November 2013, which may have delayed the processes put in place to investigate previous complaints.
The outcome of the program is to outline the severity of the level of care provided in the UK. The competency of staff must be assessed and measures for proper training implemented. The main discoveries of the investigation have revealed:
– A female resident suffering from dementia and partly paralyzed after a stroke was slapped by a member of staff who had previously been reported for her negative attitude.
– This woman was also mocked and taunted by other care workers
– A service users cries for assistance in going to the toilet went unanswered, with her call bell being unplugged by staff on one occasion
– A resident suffering from chronic illness and bed-ridden was left lying in his own excrement after two care workers had ignored his cries and then proceeded to turn his call bell off
The reporter who infiltrated the care home and gathered the evidence stated that, “many good care workers are trying their best” but some staff would openly “mock, goad, taunt, roughly handle and ignore” elderly residents, “some were even left in their own mess for hours”.
Measures are being put in place by the CQC to tackle the issues raised by this investigation and since 2011, with 158 homes having closed following action from the CQC.
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Panorama – Behind Closed Doors: Elderly Care Exposed will be shown on Wednesday 30/04/2014 at 9pm on BBC1