Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care RQF
The Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care RQF distance learning programme is aimed to give everyone who is involved in the care sector the essential knowledge needed to offer the very best professional approach to the managing and safe handling of medicines.
Qualification Title: NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care (RQF)
Qualification Number: 601/3404/5
Total Credits: 15
Level 2 / NCFE CACHE Certificate / OXB12
£372.00 today
followed by 12 months of £10.25
£372.00 today
followed by 12 months of £10.25
Course summary
Course support
12 months expert tutor support
24 hour access
Unlimited Submissions
Fully accredited course
Awarding body
Course introduction
The programme of study is designed to complement your practical work, as it will help you to underpin your practice with theoretical knowledge. It will also give you the opportunity to look at parts of the job you may not currently be involved with.
The programme is divided into four core units, each concentrating on an important aspect of the managing and safe handling of medicines.
The first unit provides an introduction to the many types of medicines that you are likely to encounter within your work environment. It also introduces some of the legislation surrounding medication and the sources of information and guidance available to help you to understand more about medication. The unit will also cover the procedures for prescribing and for dispensing medication.
The second unit contains information surrounding the legislation that applies to the safe handling, storage and disposal of medicines and the roles and responsibilities of staff in relation to these procedures.
The third unit will provide you with information about the safe administration of medication, routes and methods of administration. Once medication is administered care workers also have a vital role in monitoring the effects of treatment so it is important that you are aware of the common adverse reactions that people can have when taking medication.
The final unit provides information on the purpose of quality control (the audit process) and on the records that must be maintained regarding the administration of medicines.
Qualification Title: NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care (RQF)
Qualification Number: 601/3404/5
Total Credits: 15
Required knowledge
The programme of study is designed to complement your practical work, as it will help you to underpin your practice with theoretical knowledge. It will also give you the opportunity to look at parts of the job you may not currently be involved with.
The programme is divided into four core units, each concentrating on an important area.
The NCFE Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care RQF qualification consists of a combination of internally and externally set assignments which are marked by your tutor.
Awarding organisation
On successful completion of this course students will receive a Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medication in Health and Social Care RQF issued by NCFE. This qualification has been accredited on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (Ofqual Qualification No. 601/3404/5).
NCFE is recognised as an Awarding Organisation by the qualification regulators for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, who are: the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, the Welsh Government, and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland. This course provides successful students with a qualification listed on the Regulated Qualifications Framework, accredited by NCFE at level 2 and is assessed through Oxbridge, a licensed NCFE centre. NCFE accreditation gives assurance that the content of a training course is of a high standard and meets the rigorous requirements of a national awarding organisation.
Course modules
Unit 01: Understand medication and prescriptions (3 credits)
Unit 02: Supply, storage and disposal of medication (3 credits)
Unit 03: Understand the requirements for the safe administration of medication (5 credits)
Unit 04: Record-keeping and audit processes for medication administration and storage (4 credits)
Learner support
The assessor/tutor will support the learner throughout the duration of the course. The learner will complete activities and an assignment in order to successfully complete the course.
NCC originally stood for the National Consortium of FE (Further Education) Colleges. This brought together the FE Colleges to achieve the best provision. Regular national meetings were attended by both Colleges and Government agencies who funded them. This was very helpful to them both to best deliver training to their students.
For more than 25 years NCC has supplied FE Colleges with learning materials as well as student marketing.
NCC now specialise in online training of a very high quality to students both self-funded, paid for by schools, employers and training providers.

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Over 20 years' experience in adult education
Unlimited assignment submissions during the course
Industry recognised and accredited courses
Interest-free payment plans for up to a year

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