NCC Home Learning

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Business & Management

Employment Skills

This course is aimed towards people who wish to enter, re-enter or change their employment status, who want to increase their knowledge of the skill-set required to apply for jobs.

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Level 2 / Quality Licence Scheme / SH125

Buying options

Special offer
Online study
Paper study
Online study
Pay in full
Pay monthly
Pay in full


£16.67 /month

over 12 months and £120.00 deposit


£16.67 /month

over 12 months and £120.00 deposit


Course summary


Expert Tutoring

12 months tutor support


24hr Access to

Course, assignments & tutor


Endorsed by the

Quality Licence Scheme


NUS Card Eligibility

Enjoy student discounts

Course introduction

This course provides in-depth guidance on the employment process, covering a range of occupational skills and their practical implementation. With a focus on customer service, it stresses the importance of treating customers appropriately and underscores the crucial role of teamwork within organisations. Moreover, it explores methods for boosting motivation and highlights the significance of workplace health and safety. Learners acquire practical skills in job searching, application procedures, and interview preparation, equipping them to navigate the employment landscape effectively.

Required knowledge

Fortunately, no prior knowledge is necessary to successfully complete this course. However, possessing fundamental skills in maths and English can greatly benefit both your coursework and your pursuit of employment. NCC Home Learning offers a diagnostic skills assessment to evaluate your proficiency in mathematics and English, assisting in identifying the appropriate course level for you.


The course is passed by successfully completing a series of assignments. Your personal tutor will review, mark and provide you with feedback on your work.


At the end of this course successful learners will receive a Certificate of Achievement endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme and a Learner Unit Summary (which lists the components the learner has completed as part of the course).

Course modules

Module 1: Business and customer awareness
Module 2: Problem solving in a place of work
Module 3: Working in a team
Module 4: Understanding your customers
Module 5: Understanding motivation
Module 6: Managing your time
Module 7: Health, safety and security in the place of work
Module 8: Job search skills
Module 9: Job application skills
Module 10: Interview skills

Learner support


What does NCC stand for?

NCC originally stood for the National Consortium of FE (Further Education) Colleges. This brought together the FE Colleges to achieve the best provision. Regular national meetings were attended by both Colleges and Government agencies who funded them. This was very helpful to them both to best deliver training to their students.

For more than 25 years NCC has supplied FE Colleges with learning materials as well as student marketing.

NCC now specialise in online training of a very high quality to students both self-funded, paid for by schools, employers and training providers.

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Buy and study with confidence

Over 20 years' experience in adult education

Unlimited assignment submissions during the course

Industry recognised and accredited courses

Interest-free payment plans for up to a year
