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Health and Safety in the Workplace

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The Certificate in Health and Safety in the Workplace is ideal for those seeking essential training to offer the very best approach to health and safety.

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Level 2 / Quality Licence Scheme / PI151

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Online study
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SALE £25 OFF | code MAR25

£29.00 today

followed by 12 months of £26.00


SALE £25 OFF | code MAR25

£29.00 today

followed by 12 months of £26.00


Course summary


Expert Tutoring

12 months tutor support


24hr Access to

Course, assignments & tutor


Endorsed by the

Quality Licence Scheme


NUS Card Eligibility

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Course introduction

Health and Safety in the Workplace This course aims to provide you with a thorough understanding of hazards that can arise in the workplace. On completion of the programme the individual will gain a greater understanding of key health and safety issues including; first aid, fire safety and risk assessment.

This distance-learning Health and Safety in the Workplace programme has been written for everyone who is involved in any industry and is aimed to give all staff, supervisors and managers the essential knowledge needed to offer the very best professional approach to Health & Safety.

Our aim is to provide you with the best deal available, therefore registration fee, certification fee and full tutor support is included in the course price for you.

Required knowledge

The good news is that no prior learning knowledge or experience is essential to take this course. This course is openly available to anyone wishing to learn more about health and safety in the workplace and would like to take part in a highly rewarding home study course. You have the freedom to start the course at any time and continue your studies at your own pace for a period of up to 12 months from initial registration with full tutor support.


To successfully complete this programme, students will be required to complete a number of assessments at the end of each module. These are marked by your tutor who will give you written feedback to your assessments and who will also give you support.


At the end of this course successful learners will receive a Certificate of Achievement from Quality Licence Scheme and a Learner Unit Summary (which lists the components the learner has completed as part of the course). 

The course has been endorsed under the Quality Licence Scheme. This means that NCC Home Learning has undergone an external quality check to ensure that the organisation and the courses it offers, meet defined quality criteria. The completion of this course alone does not lead to a regulated qualification* but may be used as evidence of knowledge and skills gained. The Learner Unit Summary may be used as evidence towards Recognition of Prior Learning if you wish to progress your studies in this subject. To this end the learning outcomes of the course have been benchmarked at QLS Level 2 against level descriptors published by Ofqual, to indicate the depth of study and level of demand/complexity involved in successful completion by the learner. 

The Quality Licence Scheme is part of the Skills and Education Group, a charitable organisation that unites education and skills-orientated organisations that share similar values and objectives. With more than 100 years of collective experience, the Skills and Education Group’s strategic partnerships create opportunities to inform, influence and represent the wider education and skills sector. 

The Skills and Education Group’s knowledge and experience of working within the awarding sector enables them to work with training providers, through the Quality Licence Scheme, to help them develop high-quality courses and/or training programmes for the non-regulated market. 

*Regulated qualification refers to those qualifications that are regulated by Ofqual / CCEA / Qualification Wales 

Course modules

Module 1: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Module 2: Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations
Module 3: Risk Assessment
Module 4: Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
Module 5: Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
Module 6: Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)
Module 7: Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
Module 8: Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations
Module 9: Fire Safety
Module 10: First Aid
Module 11: Accident Reporting
Module 12: Health & Safety Training
Module 13: Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
Module 14: Electricity at Work
Module 15: Hazardous Substances

Learner support

You will be provided with comprehensive materials designed to provide you with everything required to complete your course of study. You will have your own dedicated tutor who will guide you through your course work and answer any questions you may have. Additionally, our support staff will provide you with any practical advice by email or phone.


What does NCC stand for?

NCC originally stood for the National Consortium of FE (Further Education) Colleges. This brought together the FE Colleges to achieve the best provision. Regular national meetings were attended by both Colleges and Government agencies who funded them. This was very helpful to them both to best deliver training to their students.

For more than 25 years NCC has supplied FE Colleges with learning materials as well as student marketing.

NCC now specialise in online training of a very high quality to students both self-funded, paid for by schools, employers and training providers.

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Buy and study with confidence

Over 20 years' experience in adult education

Unlimited assignment submissions during the course

Industry recognised and accredited courses

Interest-free payment plans for up to a year


Reviews from learners who completed...

Health and Safety in the Workplace

M Byrne

“Excellent On Line Course!”

I completed a Health and Safety at Work on-line course.
I found the process extremely user friendly and I really enjoyed working through the modules.The support I received from my tutor was excellent.
I would definitely recommend this and I will be looking to do another course soon!
Thank you NCC Home Learning!
